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Citrus Cleanse (12oz)


Citrus Bliss – Clear Skin & Digestive Support

Ingredients: Grapefruit, Pineapple, Mint, Orange

Elevate your vitality with Citrus Bliss, a 12 oz drink designed to promote clear skin and digestive support. This blend focuses on six key elements:

Vitamin Enrichment: Citrus Bliss is a treasure trove of vitamin C, which plays a pivotal role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. Its antioxidant properties help facilitate detoxification and boost metabolism, promoting your health journey.

Low-Calorie Hydration: Stay refreshed and hydrated with Citrus Bliss, a low-calorie option that offers 60-72g of carbs in a 12 oz serving, along with a touch of natural sweetness. Proper hydration is central to effective detoxification and appetite control, contributing to your overall well-being.

Fiber-Rich Marvel: This blend is thoughtfully crafted to be rich in dietary fiber, thanks to our mindful ingredient selection. Dietary fiber supports digestion and helps you maintain a feeling of fullness, potentially reducing the likelihood of overindulgence.

Skin Benefits: Citrus Bliss provides benefits for clear skin and digestion. The ingredients in this blend work together to help maintain clear skin, while the digestive support they offer is also beneficial for your skin health.

Revitalize Your Journey: Citrus Bliss is here to rejuvenate your health journey. With its hydrating and digestive support, it serves as a healthy and flavorful alternative to sugary or calorie-laden beverages. Experience a refreshed and cleansed feeling on your path to wellness. Cheers to a revitalized and invigorated you!

Weight .78 kg
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 2.41 cm
Shipping State

Outside Of Texas, Inside Of Texas


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